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Lucee Price

Lucee Price

B.S. Limnology

Science Instructor

Lucee Price is married to an awesome husband and father and lover of Jesus, Rick. She and Rick have been homeschooling since 2001 and live in Florida with their good-natured yellow lab and their 2 curious cats. She and Rick have two inspiring daughters, one graduating from the University of Florida in 2020, the other graduating high school in 2022.

After earning her Bachelor’s degree in Limnology (the study of freshwater lakes, marshes, and wetlands) in 1996 from the University of Central Florida, she became employed as the Lakes Manager locally, where among other things, also sat on the Florida Lake Management Society Board. The main focus of the society was to hold state-wide conferences to educate and connect folks making a difference in the environments in Florida.

Lucee has been involved in children’s ministry since 1999 alternating between BSF International Children’s Leader and Children’s Ministry Director for their church. She has enjoyed leadership with NearHim Home Educators for 16 years, including Director of the K-7th Co-op, Special Events Coordinator, Vice-President, and President for 4 separate terms. Currently, her passion includes volunteering inside the Jail and Prison Ministry in her church to bring worship inside as well as co-leading the “ReNEW” Substance Abuse Empowerment program for women in her local jail.

Lucee is amazed at God’s Creation and loves mentoring students! She has taught homeschool classes for 15 years using Apologia curriculum as well as leading elementary classes at their co-op. She speaks to groups on the opportunities in 4-H, time management, and helps to organize and implement workshops regarding co-ops, homeschool law, and transcript course writing.

Her mission statement is “To Inspire, Equip and Connect people to that which will grow them closer to Christ” and feels teaching Apologia Academy classes is a fulfilling way to do that!

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